APEC Port Services Network(APSN)
The APSN is founded in 2008, and as a unique international organization, the APSN is created by APEC to bring together ports and port-related industries with senior representatives in APEC member economies. The year of 2018 witnesses the 10th anniversary of the APSN, and in order to mark this milestone, the E-Museum was set up to collect the growing up of APSN.
The year of 2018 is an important milestone for APSN, for it provides the
opportunity for us to look back at what we have achieved in the past decade –
growing from a young organization into the premier platform for communication
and collaboration of port and shipping industries in the Asia-Pacific region,
which would not be possible with the invaluable support and contribution from
all APSN Council Members, Advisory Board Members and Regular Members.
Hanoi, Viet Nam, 18-19, November, 2006
Adelaide, Australia, 28 - 30 March, 2007
Ningbo, China, 7-9 June, 2007
Chinese Taipei, 9-13 July, 2007
Beijing, China, January 28, 2008
Manila, the Philippines,14-18 April 2008